Trespassing Enforcement Program

In an effort to empower property owners, their authorized representatives, and those in lawful possession, this Trespassing Enforcement Program has been designed to provide a valuable tool. This program aims to facilitate effective property management, ultimately contributing to a safer environment through enhanced enforcement measures.
This program is to give the owner, owner’s agent, or person in lawful possession a tool which will allow them to better manage their property; therefore creating a safer environment through enforcement.
The owner, owner’s agent, or person in lawful possession completes the Trespass Enforcement Form below.
If property meets the criteria, “NO TRESPASSING” signs will be posted by the responsible party as outlined on the instructions for posting section. After the signs are posted, a Rialto Police Officer will inspect the property to determine whether the posted signs are acceptable. After the authorization is complete, enforcement begins. A copy of all documentation should be kept for personal records.
Documentation for this program will be kept and monitored by the Rialto Police Department.
Questions? Email us:
Enforcement will be effective for one year (365 days), unless indicated otherwise. It is the responsibility of the owner, owner’s agent, or person in lawful possession to submit a written request to renew or cancel the enforcement program.
✓ Signs MUST conform to the example below.
✓ Signs MUST be constructed of aluminum or galvanized steel. Signs MUST be securely attached onto a building(s) or post(s).
✓ The bottom of the sign MUST measure a minimum of 4 ft. above the ground, with a maximum of 10 ft. above the ground.
✓ Buildings or properties not entirely fenced or gated MUST display at least one sign per side at each entrance, displayed in plain view.
✓ Unimproved properties (without buildings, structures, etc.) MUST have signs visibly posted at every entrance, driveway, alleyway, trail, road, or any access point on to the property. In a case where signs cannot be affixed to a structure, signs MUST be securely mounted on a galvanized steel pole, which will be anchored into the ground. The bottom of the sign MUST measure at least 6 ft. above the ground.
If you have any questions pertaining to the outlined instructions, please email prior to posting the signs.
238 S. Riverside Avenue, Rialto, CA 92376
CONTACT: GABRIEL (909)232-0045
Rialto Police Trespass Enforcement Program
Sign Purchase & Installation Service
Information regarding local sign company that business
owners in Rialto have used is being provided as a
customer service only. You may use any company you
The use of the above sign company is NOT a
requirement. However, the property to be enrolled into
the Rialto Police Trespass Enforcement Program MUST
have the required signage, verbiage and size as shown in
the enrollment package.
Trespassing Enforcement Form
Please fil out the form to submit your property.