Mon - Fri: 8 a to 5 p

Lobby Hours

(909) 820-2550


128 N. Willow Ave.,
Rialto, CA 92376


Rialto PD Captain Andrew Karol



The support services division of the Rialto Police Department is headed by Captain Andrew Karol.

First-line supervisors, which hold the rank of sergeant, ensure the department’s mission is completed, and each bureau, unit, team, and program are operated in accordance with the division commander’s direction.


Bureaus are sections within a division that have a specific objective.


The Rialto Police Department’s Dispatch Center is in operation 365 days a year, 24 hours per day. Dispatchers are the communications link between citizens and officers. Dispatchers receive, evaluate and prioritize emergency and non-emergency calls for service. Dispatchers assign officers to handle calls for service. Dispatchers keep track of officer locations.

Dispatchers document all transactions in a computer-aided dispatch (CAD) system. 9-1-1 is an immediate way to contact local emergency services; Police, Fire, and Medical during an emergency. Dial 9-1-1 for an EMERGENCY. An emergency is a serious situation where a police officer, firefighter, or emergency medical help is needed right away. DO NOT call 9-1-1 for general information or non-emergencies.

2-1-1 is a toll-free phone number that provides information and referrals for health and social services. Dialing 2-1-1 is the quickest way to access non-emergency resources for your family, your neighbors and your employees.


The Humane Services Unit is responsible for handling all animal related calls for the city. The Human Services section is staffed by three full-time Animal Control Officers and one Animal Control Licensing Inspector.

If you need to report an animal control call, please call the main communications center at (909)820-2550. If you need to speak to, or leave a message for a Humane Services Officer, please call (909)421-7223.


Law enforcement exploring is a worksite-based program for young men and women who have completed the eighth grade and are 14 years of age or are 15 years of age but have not yet reached their 21st birthday.

Law enforcement explorer posts help youth to gain insight into a variety of programs that offer hands-on career activities. For young men and women who are interested in careers in the field of law enforcement, exploring offers experiential learning with lots of fun-filled, hands-on activities that promote the growth and development of adolescent youth.

The Rialto Police Department Explorer Program currently has 23 active explorers.


The Rialto Police Department Citizen Volunteer program offers adult men and women, over the age of 21, experience to help strengthen their relationship with their community, the police department, and the city.

Citizen Volunteers assist the police department in various non-sworn activities such as community events and festivals, neighborhood watch development, station tours, child fingerprinting and ID card creation, child watch, observe and report patrol, incident traffic control, crime scene watch, and DUI checkpoints.  Citizen Volunteers wear uniforms, drive vehicles, and are trained in various skills allowing them to work side by side with officers.

Citizen Volunteers donate approximately 3,500 hours of service annually.  We are indebted to this fine group of men and women who selflessly dedicate themselves to assisting the Rialto Police Department.

If you are looking to donate 4 or more hours a month to volunteer service then think about becoming a Rialto Police Department Citizen Volunteer, please call our business line at (909) 820-2550.


Property and Evidence for Rialto Police Department is handled by two Law Enforcement Technicians who have specific training in the processing and handling of property and evidence. The property and evidence technicians are responsible for receiving, storing, tracking and disposition of property and evidence. They preserve evidence for lab analysis, and they are responsible for the chain of custody for prosecution purposes.

Monday 6 am to 4 pm
Tuesday 6 am to 4 pm
Wednesday 6 am to 4 pm
Thursday 6 am to 4 pm

Property Release Days/Hours:
Tuesday 1:30 pm to 3 pm
Wednesday 1:30 pm to 3 pm
Thursday 1:30 pm to 3 pm


The Rialto Police Department’s Records Unit is currently comprised of one Records Supervisor and seven Records Assistants. The Records Unit’s primary functions include:

  • Processing of crime and incident reports
  • CLETS data entry and updates
  • RMS entries and updates
  • DOJ monthly reports
  • Follow-up and data retrieval for requests under the California Public Records Act
  • Release of reports to the general public and insurance companies, as requested
  • Collection, storage, release and disposal of records in accordance with State laws and the Rialto Municipal Code
  • Maintenance of citations Monthly DOJ validations

The Police Department’s in-house computer technical support is maintained by Bob Platt, Fernando Vargas, and Ricky Tankersley. Together, the technical support staff covers the electronic needs for six primary facilities and over eighty vehicles. Hardware includes over 30 servers, 140+ desktops and laptops, and another 200 or so devices including switches, routers, battery backups, tape backups, and camera docks. The IT staff handles the research, purchase, implementation, repair, warranty support and decommissioning of most of the department electronic gear not otherwise covered by the Logistics branch.

Using automation and remote control tools, the IT section maintains the functionality of at least 50 separate software packages and suites, running on operating systems ranging from iOS through Windows 7/8/10 and Windows Server 2003/2008/2012. Together with Dispatch, Records and Logistics, the IT section ensures the hardware and software needs of the Police Department are available and functional 24×7, 365 days a year.


The Personnel and Training Unit is responsible for the training and recruitment of all law enforcement personnel, both sworn and non-sworn. If you are serious about a position as a police officer with the Rialto Police Department, please visit our recruitment page.

Call: (909) 421-4926



The goal of the Crime Free Multi-Housing Program is to reduce the blight, crime, narcotics sales, and narcotics use within the multi-housing communities within the City of Rialto. The Crime Free Multi-Housing Program will reduce blight, crime and provide a safer living environment for the managers, landlords, and tenants that live within the multi-housing communities.

The benefits of the Crime Free Multi-Housing Program include a stable, more satisfied tenant base. Increased demands for rental units with a reputation for active management, lower maintenance, and repair costs, increased property values, improved personal safety for tenants, landlords and managers. The Crime Free Multi-Housing Program will also work with the Area Commander Program and the Area Commanders.

The Crime Free Multi-Housing Program will also work with other city and county agencies, such as the San Bernardino County Crime Free Multi-Housing Program along with the City of Rialto Redevelopment, Building and Safety, Code Enforcement, Fire Department and Fire Marshall.